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[Other resource校医院管理系统(毕业)

Description: 是用于:毕业设计使用! 首先运行数据库还原目录中的PROJECT,将数据库还原 如果还原失败,则进行手动还原,数据库名:data 本次毕业设计任务是通过开发一个数据库校医院门诊收费管理系统,学习用delphi开发分布式多层数据库系统。采用Delphi7.0和MS Server2000等软件为开发工具-is for : graduation design! First of all database operations reinstate the PROJECT directory, the database will be reduced if the reduction fails, then manually restore the database name : data graduated from the design task is through the development of a database hospital outpatient charges for school management system, open to learn from delphi the Distributed Multi-database system. Using Delphi 7.0 and MS Server 2000 software development tools for
Platform: | Size: 3748699 | Author: 真实 | Hits:

[Other resourcedelphidatabase

Description: 书籍简介: 本书特色:重点突出:紧贴行业特点,需求分析详尽,着重讲解数据库设计。通用性强:模块清晰,代码规范,具有很好的可移植性。结构清晰:关键步骤的讲解详细,学习目标明确。实用性强:本丛书附书光盘附有完整源代码,可供读者积累工作经验,也可供计算机相关专业教师指导学生毕业设计之用。 本书以进销存管理系统、人力资源管理系统、生产管理系统、财务管理系统、酒店管理系统、图书馆管理系统、医院管理系统、教务管理系统等多个当今最为热门的管理信息系统为例子,详细地介绍了这些系统的需求分析及管理信息系统开发的过程和方法。对项目背景、业务需求分析、功能需求分析、数据库需求分析、数据库建模、系统开发、系统编译及系统发行等过程进行了详细的讲解。 本书实例的实用性非常强,读者从中可以迅速了解相应实例的行业特点和用户需求,成为行业专家;同时还可以全面掌握利用Delphi开发管理信息系统的过程和方法。同时从书提供了所有系统完整的数据库建库脚本,读者在实际的工作中可以直接使用并在此基础上进行补充,从而可以大大减少系统数据库设计的工作量和时间。-books Profile : features : highlights : close to industry characteristics, needs detailed analysis, focused on database design. Strong common : a clear module, code norms, has good portability. Structure clear : the key steps on the detailed, specific learning objectives. Practical : The Series-CD with complete source code, for readers to accumulate work experience, It also provides computer-related professional teachers guide the students graduate design purposes. In the book inventory management systems, human resources management systems, production management systems, financial management systems, hotel management system, Library Management System, the hospital management system, Academic Management System, and other of today's most popular information management system, for exampl
Platform: | Size: 23275863 | Author: yuka | Hits:

[hospital software system校医院管理系统(毕业)

Description: 是用于:毕业设计使用! 首先运行数据库还原目录中的PROJECT,将数据库还原 如果还原失败,则进行手动还原,数据库名:data 本次毕业设计任务是通过开发一个数据库校医院门诊收费管理系统,学习用delphi开发分布式多层数据库系统。采用Delphi7.0和MS Server2000等软件为开发工具-is for : graduation design! First of all database operations reinstate the PROJECT directory, the database will be reduced if the reduction fails, then manually restore the database name : data graduated from the design task is through the development of a database hospital outpatient charges for school management system, open to learn from delphi the Distributed Multi-database system. Using Delphi 7.0 and MS Server 2000 software development tools for
Platform: | Size: 3748864 | Author: | Hits:

[hospital software systemzhuyuanbuguanlixitong

Description: 以PB为设计平台开发的医院住院部管理系统 软件 代码 数据库 -PB for the design platform to the hospital inpatient database management system software code
Platform: | Size: 446464 | Author: 刘超 | Hits:


Description: 校医院门诊收费管理系统的数据库设计报告。 其中包括可行性分析,数据字典,逻辑结构设计和概念结构设计等。-School management system for hospital outpatient charges for database design report. Including feasibility analysis, data dictionary, logical structure and conceptual design of the structure design.
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 熏熏 | Hits:

[hospital software system06-Hospital-charge-management-system

Description: 医院收费管理系统。。本系统的开发主要包括后台数据库的建立、维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。本系统采用目前比较流行的ADO数据访问技术,并将每个数据库表的字段和操作封装到类中,使应用程序的各个窗体都能够共享对表的操作,无需重复编码,使程序更加易于维护,从而成功地将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到数据库应用程序设计中。这也是本系统的特色和优势。Visual C++从入门到精通-Hospital charge management system. . The development of this system include the establishment of database, front-end application maintenance and development of the two. The system uses the more popular ADO data access technology, and the fields for each database table and operation of packages to the class, so that all applications can share on the table form the operation, without repetition coding, make the program more easy to maintain, thus successfully design object-oriented programming applied to database application design. This is also the characteristics and advantages of this system. Visual C++ From Novice to Professional
Platform: | Size: 1551360 | Author: zhoujidong | Hits:

[Button controlyyglxt

Description: 学习PB及数据库的设计知识,分析医院的设计流程,完成小医院管理信息系统设计与开发。基于PowerBuilder9.0和SQL Server 2005完成,针对小医院的管理信息系统的开发与设计,目的是实现对小医院日常事务的管理,对医师的信息进行管理选择、添加、修改的功能;对患者的个人信息进行管理。设计完成后独立撰写论文。 -Learning the PB and database design knowledge, analysis of the hospital design process, complete the design and development of the small hospital management information system. Based PowerBuilder9.0 completed and SQL Server 2005 for the development and design of a small hospital management information system, the purpose is to achieve the management of the day-to-day affairs of the small hospital, physician information management options, add, modify functionality patients personal information management. After the design is complete, independent writing papers.
Platform: | Size: 387072 | Author: 丁新 | Hits:


Description: 本系统为医院管理系统,包含医院各种管理的实现,包含数据库mdf和ldf文件,主要用于各位课程设计参考。-For hospital management system, the system contains a database mdf and ldf files, mainly used for of you curriculum design reference.
Platform: | Size: 2785280 | Author: wngrui | Hits:

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